"They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it." -Confucius

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Love without reproof?

(שני לוחות הברית, פר' וירא)

"Any love that does not have reproof with it is not love."

Monday, October 26, 2015

When in Rome...?

בראשית רבה סי' מ"ח סט"ז
Midrash B'Reshis Rabah 48:16: "When you come to a city, behave according to the local etiquette. [From where do we learn this?] Since there is no eating and drinking in heaven, when Moshe went up to heaven [to retrieve the Torah], he did not eat, as it says... 'I did not eat bread nor did I drink water' (Deut. 9:9). But below (on earth), where there is eating and drinking, [it says,] 'And [Avraham] stood over [the angels] under the tree and they ate.'