"They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it." -Confucius

Monday, August 11, 2008


Devarim (Deuteronomy) 2:9: "HaShem (G-d) said to me (Mosheh/Moses), 'Do not distress [the nation of ] Moav (Moab) nor provoke them to war, for I will not give you an inheritance from their land, for I have given [the land of] Ar to the children of Lot as an inheritance." (See previous post.)

[NOTE: See B'Reshith (Genesis) 19:29-38. The nations of Moav and Amon were descended from the two sons of Lot, Moav and Ben-Ami, respectively, whom he conceived with his two daughters.]

Rashi (Devarim 2:9): "'do not provoke them to war' - Israel was only prohibited from [provoking] Moav to war, but [Israel] did cause Moav to fear and would appear to them while armed... [Israel] would loot and despoil them. However, regarding the children of Amon, it states (v. 19): 'Do not provoke them' - [implying the prohibition of] any provocation whatsoever. [This immunity of Amon was granted them] in reward for the modesty (tzeniuth) of their matriarch (the younger of Lot's daughters), who did not disclose her father's act as did the elder daughter who called her son 'Moav' (like the Hebrew 'me-av,' meaning 'from father')." [NOTE: See previous note. Lot's younger daughter named her son "Ben-Ami," meaning "son of my nation," obscuring her child's incestuous origin.]

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